
Love is a beautiful thing. It’s a gift that we all have the ability, and daily opportunities, to give one another…even strangers. That’s how I was brought up - to give before taking, to serve without wanting, and to treat others how I would want to be treated. My hope is that this piece encourages you all to love, today…& every day after! We may not all be the same, but we each have a heart that deserves some daily TLC! Speaking of hearts, every single one in this animation was created by members of my awesome & talented community! I asked you all to send me your hearts for this piece, and boy did you deliver! I SO wish I could’ve included them all. Check out the rest of the hearts over at #hearts4LGBT! From all these hearts to those in the #LGBT, we hope this brings some smiles & love your way! #pridemonth

This week has been full of heartbreak & sadness. I am devastated by the evil act of hate that occurred in Orlando over the weekend. Monday started and my creativity was definitely blocked by a river of emotions. When I heard the news about the lives we lost in Florida, I could instantly sympathize with the feeling of grief that the victim’s friends & family are going through. On a personal note, for months I’ve been dreading this coming Sunday - my first Father’s Day without my dad. I’ve just wanted to curl up in bed and cry, avoiding any kind of art or creativity. However, yesterday this animation popped in my head and I believe I have my dad to thank! He raised me to be someone who shares light in a world of darkness, to be loving in moments of sadness, and to create joy whenever possible! Despite my puffy eyes & heavy heart, I turned my frown upside and created this piece in the hopes that it will be uplifting. With this animation I encourage you all to let your light shine, especially in the face of darkness. I dedicate this to the families who lost a loved one in Orlando, my heart goes out to you all!